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Kicking off the DELTA Project

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We are proud to announce the start of the DELTA Project

(Advancing Data Literacy and Innovation in the Western Balkans), a pioneering Erasmus+ CBHE Strand 2 initiative, coordinated by Universiteti Europian i Tiranës – UET.

This ambitious project, with a total budget of €795,000 and a consortium of 14 partners from the Western Balkans and the EU, aims to foster a culture of knowledge exchange and drive innovation in multidisciplinary teaching and learning.

The project’s core objectives include:

Enhancing data literacy skills to prepare individuals for seamless integration into the EU economy and labor market.
Developing innovative teaching and learning methodologies that bridge the gap between academia and industry.
Strengthening collaboration and knowledge exchange across educational institutions in the Western Balkans and EU.
The kickoff meeting, held on January 22-23, 2025, at EUT in Tirana, Albania, was a resounding success! The agenda covered project management strategies, intrapreneurship in academia, capacity-building initiatives, dissemination plans, and quality assurance measures. Key discussions also focused on modernizing teaching practices and leveraging technology to foster innovation.
We are excited to embark on this transformative journey and invite you to follow our updates as we build a brighter future for education and innovation.
For more detailed information on the project activities STAY TUNED until the project website and social media are launched.

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